The Review Board / Miss No Labels set out to discuss JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society. Controversy and Unleashed agreed on 8 stars out of ten.
Controversial Thoughts
“JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society” by Frank van Empel & Caro Sicking examines the multitude of ways where we, as a society, can improve not only our individual way of life, but the way of life for many. This is indeed a pretty intriguing political read that makes a person think about how things are going around them as well as about those that they care.
This read reminds me of “Be the Change!” in the concept and context of how to improve our surroundings as well as self by engaging with our surroundings as well as those who are already engaging in our surroundings in order to move together in the same direction in the name of Achieving a Common Societal Goal.
It would be imperative to state that this book takes on a feel of one Phillip Jack Brooks (AKA former multiple time WWE Champion CM Punk), as he sits Indian style and inquires if he has the attention of everyone at this present time. That specific feeling comes from this book, giving me a sense of “Pay Attention to the message that is being conveyed, for there will be some DEEP dialogue that is about to be spoken.”
I LOVE that there are several writers out there who are looking at this topic and speaking on this topic. Of course, there will ALWAYS be those who are accustomed and satisfied with the status quo that is occurring today, and will thumb their nose at the ideas, thoughts, views, and opinions of the writers of “JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society”.
MOST LIKELY, those people will say something along the lines of Dr. Robotnik’s (AKA Dr. Eggman, antagonist of Sonic the Hedgehog) quote, “A Nice Dream, but dreams were meant to be… Broken.”
I agree with Miss No Labels: very few errors could be found. When this is noticed, it gives the air that there were SEVERAL eyes on the work as well as SEVERAL eyes were on the research that was put into this book.
The footnotes at the bottom of the pages is an “A++” in my book, and I DO NO
My only downside is that it can get wordy, and your eyes can get crossed.
Survey Says: 8 out of 10 Stars.
Frank van Empel & Caro Sicking’s “JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society” is indeed a thought provoker, and a good one at that. Give it a whirl, get lost in the information, and see if Frank and Caro have your attention.
Now let’s hear from the Unleashed One:
Unleashed Speaks
When exploring a work of nonfiction, I have to approach it a little differently than I would another genre. The deciding factors include but aren’t limited to the following:
- Cover concept
- Visual presentation (from white space vs. text to overall syntax)
- How well researched and documented the material (if a bibliography is not available, how many personal experiences tie in to the content)
- How well the topic discussed traps my interest
Cover concept: It was very hard for me to connect the visual to the content inside. I expected a more predominant cover to match the knowledge and the passion in which the topic of a joint effort society was covered.
Visual presentation: There were very little flaws in syntax and proper balance between white space and text. The text used was extremely easy to read.
Research and Documentation: JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society gets top marks in research and documentation. There was a lot of beauty in the breakdown of the history preceding the modernized interpretation of a cooperative society.
Interest in topic: The advocacy of a joint effort society is a wonderful thing to strive for. It is apparent that many factors have kept the growth towards this at bay. The authors outlined some of the key deterrents such as inequality in social and economic hierarchy, the promotion and reward of competition more so than cooperation. I like reading material which causes me to really think and imagine a world different than the current chaos reflected on a daily basis.
Drawbacks (for me) that kept this work from getting the full ten stars:
Cover concept (reasoning already covered)
Slightly overbearing in history vs. practical application: In certain areas, there was so much history discussed that one almost forgot the authors wanted to cover modern exercises in how a joint effort society can be achieved. Although background information in this work was definitely necessary to someone reading about this topic for the first time, an excessive amount could cause a reader to lose sight on the point of this work.
More visuals to accommodate information: I do wish there were more graphic models to emphasize certain concepts, particularly when discussing ecolution, comparison between cooperative and competitive processes and the overall joint effort society model. The modern examples given were excellent but more visuals would have further existing in having the points hit home. Plus, this would come in handy for those readers who are more enthralled with pictures than lots of text.
Looks like Mr. Controversy and I are in agreement on this one:
8 out of 10 Stars
Unleashed Verdict: JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society gathers these marks for topic interest, thorough documentation and explorations to improve modern day living.
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Curious about the book?
Order JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society ISBN: 978.94.90665.111 / Price: € 33,-
Read JES! Towards a Joint Effort Society on your e-reader ISBN: 978.94.90665.104 / Price: € 7,50,-
nonfiXe, October 5, 2014